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兒童英語讀本SKYLINE YOUNG READERS 心樵文化 5000 2500 線上購物





1 醜小鴨The Ugly Duckling 2 穿長靴的貓Puss in Boots 3 小美人魚The Little Mermaid
4 狼來了The Boy Who Cried Wolf 5 白玫瑰與紅玫瑰Rose White and Rose Red 6 三隻山羊The Three Billy Goats Gruff
7 女神與貓咪The Goddess and the Cat 8 一捆樹枝The Bundle Sticks 9 漁夫的妻子T'he Fisherman's Wife
10 螞蟻和蚱蜢The Ants and the Grasshopper 11 精靈與鞋匠the Elves and the Shoemaker 12 歌蒂拉與熊Goldilocks and the Three Bears
13 灰姑娘Cinderella 14 斑衣吹笛人The Pied Piper of Hamelin 15 國王的新衣The Emperor's New Clothes
16 傑克與仙豆Jack and the Beanstalk 17 獅子與老鼠The Lion and the Little Mouse 18 龜兔賽跑The Tortoise and the Hare
19 太陽、風和雲The Sun, the Wind, and the Cloud 20 薑餠人The Gingerbread Man    


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